Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Weight Training benefits

The benefits of consistent strength/weight training include an increase in muscle size and tone,increased muscle strength, and increases in tendon, bone, and ligament strength. Strength-training has also been shown to improve psychological health as well, by increasing self-esteem, confidence and self-worth. These improvements have a great influence on our physical performance, physical appearance and risk of injury. I'll go into each of these in detail, outlining some very exciting benefits of a good strength-training program that most people overlook or don't realize.

Improved Physical Performance and Appearance

One important result of strength training is increased physical performance. Muscles quite literally utilize energy to produce movement, functioning as the engine or powerhouse of the body. Strength training increases the muscles' size, strength, and endurance, which contribute to improvements in our work, our favorite sports and hobbies, and our general day-to-day activities.

Another benefit of a good strength-training program is its effect on our overall appearance and body composition, which can directly influence self-esteem, self-worth, and level of confidence. Take, for example, a 170-pound man who has 20 percent body fat--34 pounds of fat weight and 136 pounds of lean body weight (muscle, bones, organs, water, etc.) By beginning an effective strength training program, he replaces five pounds of fat with five pounds of muscle. He still weighs 170 pounds, but he is now 17 percent fat--with29 pounds of fat weight and 141 pounds of lean body weight. Although his body weight remains the same, his strength, muscle tone, and metabolism have improved, giving him a firmer, more fit appearance.

Both our physical appearance and our physical performance can be improved by muscle gain or hampered by muscle loss. Research indicates that unless we strength train regularly, we lose more than one-half pound of muscle every year of our lives after age 25. Unless we implement a safe and effective strength-training program, our muscles gradually decrease in size and strength in the process called "atrophy."

Strength training is therefore important for preventing the muscle loss that normally accompanies the aging process. A common misconception is that as we get older, it is normal to stop being active and to start using ambulatory aides like canes and wheelchairs. Many people think we have no choice; they think this is normal.

But this couldn't be further from the truth. There is absolutely no reason why all of us can't be physically, mentally, socially, and sexually active, living a healthy vibrant life until the very day we die! The reason many elderly people rely on ambulatory aides and become slower and fatter is simply that over the years their muscles are decreasing, so their physical performance and metabolism also decrease, becoming less efficient.

Decreased Risk of Injury

Our muscles also function as shock absorbers and serve as important balancing agents throughout our body. Well-conditioned muscles help to lessen the repetitive landing forces in weight-bearing activities such as jogging or playing basketball. Well-balanced muscles reduce the risk of injuries that result when a muscle is weaker than its opposing muscle group. For example, jogging places more stress on the hamstrings and calves than it does on the quadriceps, creating a muscle imbalance that often leads to knee injuries; so it is very important that runners be on a good strength-training program that includes training the quadriceps as well as the hamstrings and calves.

To reduce the risk of unbalanced muscle development, you should make sure that when you are training a specific muscle group, the opposing muscle groups are being trained as well (though not necessarily on the same day).

By now you have probably realized that weightlifting should be an important part of your exercise routine. Weightlifting provides many important benefits that cannot be achieved by any other exercise or activity. When you begin achieving great results, the excitement and fun you experience will make the change well worth the effort.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Building and Toning muscles by Stair Climbers

Stair climber is said to be the most popular exercise machine nowadays. In stair climbers the person step on to the steps which offer certain amount of resistance, and the advanced featured display shows the information such as calories burnt, no. of steps per minute and elapsed time.

Earlier it was popular only among women, but nowadays due to its advanced features it has also become popular among men as well. Stair Climbers are generally helpful in building muscles of legs and also helps toning the muscles of buttocks, abdomen and waist.
A stair climber is a machine of much advantage only if it is used in a proper manner. While working on stair climber one should not lean or support the elbows as this reduces the workout done. These machines are considered to be very easy going on the knee joints but people suffering from knee pains should consult a health professional before working on stair climbers.

There are different kinds of steps climbers available in the market. Some stair climbers have two separate steps while the others have a single step.The machines which have two steps give an advantage that the step height can be as per the requirement.
These days step climbers are available with a control panel display how all the information such as the rate of doing it, elapsed time and other such type of information. Nowadays some climbers are also available which even tell about one’s ability and stamina (in context with the other information entered).

Stair Climbing is known since years as a good toning exercise for muscles of the legs, thighs, abdomen and also buttocks. It is considered to be a very good alternative of jogging as the workout done is equivalent to that done in jogging. The elasticity of changing resistance and also step height also serves as an advantage for the user, as the user can adjust it according to one’s needs and stamina.

The major drawback of stair climbing is that over exercise could lead to hyperextension of the muscles. So, it should be done under the supervision of a trainer. Proper posture is essential and also proper height of the steps.

Go for a model which has separate steps, with adjustable height and resistance as well.
The control panel should have good features and easy understood by the user.
The buyer should duly take the warranty of the machine.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sore Lower Back After Squats

Do you get lower back pain the day after squatting at the gym? So do I, here's how to overcome it...
The day after heavy or
deep squats I almost always get pain in my lower back, just above the top of my buttocks.
Now this is caused by one of two things:
Either you are squatting with incorrect form and are using your back to lift the weights, this occurs when your back is stronger than your legs. In this case drop your weights in half and start to concentrate on your technique. There is no use using a large weight if you are not training the target muscle group.
Now if your form is good then it is most likely that your hamstrings / glutes have tightened up overnight as you slept. This pulls your hips out of their normal alignment and causes pain. To aleviate this is quite simple.
combating the Pain
You will need to stretch, as soon as you stretch you will feel the tightness and some small pain both in your hamstrings, maybe glutes and of course in your lower back.
Stretch out until the tightness is gone, do this as a first thing in the morning, you may find you have to do it again in the afternoon and again the next morning.
Start stretching between sets, all your muscle groups. Have a good stretch session for each muscle group at least once a week.
Personally I need to stretch my hamstrings and chest more than any other groups - you'll probably find it the same.
Over a period of weeks you will find that the lower back pain decreases and disappears, but you have to continue your weekly stretching regardless of whether you are in pain or not.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Basic but powerful Tricep workouts

Many people who seek to increase the muscle in their triceps area tend to make the common mistake of believing that they are already being worked when you are focused on the chest muscles. While they do receive a bit of a work-out through this process, it is not enough to truly build them enough to show an increase in muscle mass.
Thus it is necessary to also do exercises specifically designed to build the triceps muscles. While training the triceps is necessary independently of working the chest, it is important to realize that to work them back to back would be detrimental to the development of the triceps as they, too, do need to rest between workouts and they do receive a minimal amount of stress during the chest workout. So it is advised that you leave a two day window before and after the chest workout before beginning a triceps regimen.
Once again, it is important to remember that all muscle groups need to be warmed up before you attempt to work them hard. So initially, it is it is important to stretch out these muscles before beginning to work them more intensely.
Once you have warmed up your triceps, the series of exercises below seem to be the most effective according to the body building experts to develop muscular and deeply cut triceps.
To begin, a very popular and effective means of developing those triceps is known as “Closed Grip Pushdowns.”
These are accomplished by:
- Standing with your feet a slight distance apart in a tension weight machine.
- Grasp the weight bars at waist height firmly.
- Push the weight bar down; dropping shoulders slightly to fully work the triceps, and add
an extra squeeze at the bottom for extra tension in the muscle.
- Return to the starting position.
This exercise puts direct resistance on the triceps and is exceptionally effective in building the mass of the same. This routine should be done in three sets with eight to ten reps. in each to assure a solid work out of the triceps muscles.
Another triceps-geared exercise that can be quite effective in building triceps is called “Closed Grip Bench Presses.”This exercise directly applies resistance to the triceps and can be felt through the tension in the arms at the end of each move. It should be done in four sets of eight to ten reps each.
“Parallel Bar Dips” are a wonderful triceps activity as they affect all three muscles in the triceps group at once. It is a workout move that truly adds to the building of muscle and should be attempted to be included in any plan to increase the triceps mass. Begin by:
- Positioning yourself on parallel bars with your back completely straight.
*Leaning forward transfers the resistance to the pectoral muscles so to work the triceps, a straight back is essential.
- Bending your elbows, drop your body as it is being held off of the ground by your arm
strength only until your biceps meet your forearms and hold.
- Return to starting position.
This exercise should be done in four sets with eight to ten reps. in each. This is truly a great way to work those triceps and make them all you want them to be!
But let us remember, it is the workout of these muscles in a regimented way without overdoing it or under-working them that will bring about the results you desire. All the curls in the world will not bring about the results that these few exercises, a healthy diet filled with a lot of protein, and a little devotion to structured workouts will give you in the end.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The right way for a huge tricep

Yesterday i received this question from one of my readers (Mr.John,Kansas).The very next moment I struck at an idea of making it a post which i think will be of help to many.
I've been working out regularly for the last one and a half year. I dedicate 3/4 of my arms workout to triceps. I do about 5 to 6 types of exercises for triceps (20 sets in all). How can I really bulk up my upper triceps? I do all mass builders like skull crushers, close grip bench, pull down, kickbacks etc. The weights I use are in the range of 20 pounds to 30 pounds. I really want to bulk up my upper arm in a big way!
You're doing way too many exercises for your triceps! The reason you're not growing is probably because you're overtraining and your muscles are screaming to recover.
Here is a basic outline for the total number of sets for each muscle group:
Do no more than 10-12 sets for larger muscle groups. These include chest, back, legs, and calves.
Do no more than 6-10 sets for the smaller muscles. These include biceps, triceps, deltoids, and abdominals.
To really add mass, make sure to limit your workouts to an hour max and make each set really count by going to positive failure (after warm-up). If you have a training partner, have them spot you when going past failure and really push your muscles to grow. Stick to a rep range of 6-8 with the heaviest weight you can list. Get at least 3 minutes of rest between each set. Another key element is rest after your workout. Make sure to get at least 48 hours of rest between muscle groups to fully recover and grow.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Alcohol Destroys Muscle Gain

Too much alcohol will almost definitely have a significant negative impact on your muscle-building results. Alcohol is far more harmful than most people think, and it’s very important that you understand how this drug (yes, alcohol is a drug) is affecting your progress. This is not an anti-drug speech, but if you’re serious about achieving a truly impressive physique, you should definitely be aware of the 5 main ways that alcohol is slowing down your gains...

1) It negatively affects protein synthesis.
Protein synthesis is the process where amino acids are joined together to form complete proteins. Excessive alcohol consumption slows this process down by up to 20%, and since your muscles are made up of protein, you can see how this is a problem.

It lowers testosterone levels and increases estrogen.
Testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in your body. One of the limiting factors that determines how much muscle a person can gain is their level of free-flowing testosterone.The pic here shows how the testosterone level decreses with age.

3) It causes dehydration.
The kidneys must filter very large amounts of water in order to break down the alcohol, and this can result in severe dehydration within the body. Water plays an absolutely crucial role in the muscle-building process, and being even slightly dehydrated is a recipe for disaster. The muscles alone are comprised of 70% water.

It depletes the body of vitamins and minerals.
Alcohol consumption causes vitamins A, C, the B's, calcium, zinc and phosphorus to all be drained at rapid rates. Vitamins and minerals keep every little process in your body functioning properly, and many of these processes involve muscle growth and maintenance.

5) It increases fat storage.
With 7 empty calories per gram, alcohol can actually be quite fattening. Alcohol also disrupts the Kreb’s Cycle, which plays an important role in fat burning.

It’s important to have fun in life, but too much fun can lead to problems. If you’re serious about achieving significant muscle-building results, you definitely need to monitor your intake of alcohol and make sure that you are consuming it in moderation. A few drinks here and there shouldn’t be a problem, but if you find yourself drinking every weekend you can almost certainly kiss your muscle gains goodbye.

If you do decide to go out and party, make sure to drink plenty of water and to properly nourish yourself with vitamins/minerals and a protein rich meal.

I don’t recommend revolving your entire life around your muscle-building program, so don’t be afraid to go out and have a good time once in a while. Just make sure to keep your drinking nights infrequent (no more than once a month) and properly nourish yourself to lessen its effects. As long as you monitor what you’re doing you can achieve an impressive physique and have a social life at the same time.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Workout Routine

The following is a sample exercise routine Arnold frequently used.

Mon, Wed, Fri
Chest: Bench press - 5 sets, 6-10 reps
Flat bench flies - 5 sets, 6-10 reps
Incline bench press - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Cable crossovers - 6 sets, 10-12 reps Dips - 5 sets, to failure
Dumbbell pullovers - 5 sets, 10-12 reps

Back: Front wide-grip chin-ups - 6 sets, to failure
T-bar rows - 5 sets, 6-10 reps
Seated pulley rows - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
One-arm dumbbell rows - 5 sets, 6-10 reps
Straight-leg deadlifts - 6 sets, 15 reps

Legs:Squats - 6 sets, 8-12 reps
Leg presses - 6 sets, 8-12 reps
Leg extensions - 6 sets, 12-15 reps
Leg curls - 6 sets, 10-12 reps
Barbell lunges - 5 sets, 15 reps

Calves:Standing calf raises -10 sets, 10 reps
Seated calf raises - 8 sets, 15 reps
One-legged calf raises (holding dumbbells) - 6 sets,12 reps

Forearms:Wrist curls (forearms on knees) - 4 sets, 10 reps
Reverse barbell curls - 4 sets, 8 reps
Wright roller machine - to failure

Abs:Nonstop instinct training for 30 minutes

Tue, Thu, Sat
Biceps:Barbell curls - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Seated dumbbell curls - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Dumbbell concentration curls - 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Triceps:Close-grip bench presses (for the all three heads) - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Pushdowns (exterior head) - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Barbell French presses (interior head) - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
One-arm dumbbell triceps extensions (exterior head) - 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Shoulders:Seated barbell presses - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Lateral raises (standing) - 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Rear-delt lateral raises - 5 sets, 6-10 reps
Cable lateral raises - 5 sets, 10-12 reps

Calves and Forearms:Same as Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Abs:Same as Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Tricep Kickback workout

Tricep kickbacks are the king of single arm tricep isolation exercises. Tricep kickbacks are great for hitting your triceps after close grip bench press.Out of all the tricep exercises, the tricep kickback has the biggest reputation for poor technique. If not performed correctly, the tricep kickback will not build your tricep muscles.
Starting Position: With a dumbbell in one hand stand next to a flat bench and position one knee on the bench, keep the other knee bent with the foot flat on the floor. Bend forward from the hips, and place the free hand on the bench. Keep the lower back in neutral and bend so that your upper body is parallel to the floor and the head facing down. Bend the arm holding the dumbbell and raise the elbow past the torso.

Keeping the elbow in place, push the dumbbell back and up by extending the arm backwards. Pause, and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat until the set if finished, then perform with the other arm.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Gain tricep mass

In general, you must first build triceps mass before you can refine it. If one of your primary training goals is to add mass to your triceps, it's a good idea to train them first in your workout. When you train them after chest or shoulders, you've already partially exhausted them, so you aren't able to target them as effectively for mass building.Training triceps before biceps or back can prove to be more effective.

Close-grip bench press. The close grip bench press is one of the best mass builders, as it allows you to use a decent amount of weight and target the triceps at the same time. Form is crucial.Often, people let their elbows travel out way too far. This can cause injury and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.Instead, keep your elbows in close to the body to keep most of the stress on the triceps. When you bring the bar down, don't bounce it off your chest. Press the bar up with a controlled but explosive movement. At the top, hold the peak contraction, forcing your triceps to contract.When you go too heavy with the weight, you tend to recruit chest and shoulders and reduce the amount of work your triceps do.
Triceps press-down.
This is an excellent warm-up exercise to pump blood into the triceps.Its better to Keep your weight moderate and your reps high.

EZ-bar triceps extension.This exercise is also a capable mass builder. My preferred method is to perform them leaning against an incline bench set at 10 to 15 degrees below vertical. Sit against the seat, then scoot up so that the bar can extend over the top of the bench. Lower the bar until your elbows are bent to about 90 degrees, or until you feel a good stretch in the triceps. It's important to include at least one overhead movement when you work triceps, because this allows for a greater triceps stretch than other positions.

Dip. This is a good triceps mass builder and finishing movement, but dips can be a little tough on the shoulders if you have rotator cuff problems. Focus on using your triceps in this exercise.Keep control and avoid using momentum. Lower yourself slowly, and feel the stretch in your triceps. Press back up and contract your triceps without locking out your elbows.You won't be able to perform as many reps with this technique, but you'll build your triceps much more effectively.

To Gain Mass

Eat and I Mean Eat a lot
Eating high calorie meals is probably the most important step in gaining mass. If you don't get enough to eat, you won't gain weight. You can't lift like a horse and eat like a bird and expect to gain weight it just doesn't work that way. That is why most bodybuilders eat four to six times per d
ay to increase calories, protein, carbs., etc., and toincrease the absorption of nutrients. You may even want to try drinking a protein shake in the middle of the night toencourage additional muscle growth

Increase Sodium
This underestimated mineral plays an important role in overall muscle growth and by slightly increasing your daily sodium intake it helps increase water retention. Plus sodium enhances carbohydrate storage and amino acid absorption also improving the muscle's responsiveness to insulin.

Drink Water

Water is the best way to supplement a diet. It's mother natures ultimate supplement and without it you will go no where. It gives you proper regulation of food, vitamins, and minerals. It also helps you get the most out of your protein and carbs, by helping your body absorb it.

Cycle Your Diet
For two weeks eat an extra 2000 calories then go back to your normal calorie diet for the next two weeks, on and off. I have heard good stories about doing this. You will only eat the extra 2000 calories for two weeks because that's about how long it takes your body to adapt to it, and if it does you will not get the same benefit as you would if it was not adapted to it.

Use Creatine
Creatine will most likely help you gain mass. Plus with no side effects where can you go wrong. Be sure to drink plenty of water while your on it though, and just like any other supplement.(There are a lot of articles on creatine,do your research)

I love to sleep. You all need to if you want to put on some mass. Your body needs this time to re-cooperate. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

Stop All Aerobics
In order to put on serious mass your gonna need to stop all of your aerobics. You need to keep as many calories and you can in your body and the aerobics will not help you do that. Remember every physical activity has a negative impact on building muscle.

Eat Meat
Tuna, Beef, Steaks....

Lift Hard
Your never gonna get that physique you want unless you lift and I mean lift hard. That doesn't mean to throw the weights around. Be sure to control your weight, control is very important. Be sure to use a weight that you can do 4 reps but no more then 6, heh this is the fun part, do 6 reps anyway. NOT CHEATING!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Gain bicep mass by Incline Dumbbell Curls

This exercise is similar to the standing dumbbell curl. It works the biceps and forearms.

Grab a pair of dumbbells. Sit back on an incline bench with your feet shoulder width apart. Let the dumbbells hang at arms length on each side of the bench behind your body. This exercise isolates and stretches the biceps more then standing dumbbell curls so you will have to use less weight.
Moving only your forearms, use your bicep strength to curl the dumbbells up to shoulder level. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the biceps. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Hold this position for a second to really stretch the biceps. Repeat.

Tips - do not lift excess weight and use momentum to swing the dumbbells up. Use a lighter weight and keep the movement slow and controlled. For variety you can do this exercise with one arm at a time.

My fav tricep workout-Close Grip Bench Press

This is a basic tricep exercise. It works the triceps (inner and outer heads), pecs, and deltoids.It particullarly helps in gaining mass on your tricep.

Lie back on a bench pressing bench. Your feet should be flat on the floor, shoulder width apart. Grab the bar just a bit narrower then shoulder width. Straighten your arms to lift the barbell off the rack. Position the bar so it is at arms length over you lower chest.

Lower the barbell until it touches your lower chest. As you lower the bar keep your upper arms close to your torso. With out bouncing the bar off your chest push the bar up until it is back to the starting position. Repeat.

Tips - you should always have a training partner spot you when doing the close grip bench press, just in case you need help lifting the barbell off your chest.
( u want to know the history of dumbbels,you can read it here)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Jay cutler on commercial

Jay cutler takes it to a commercial to endorse pinnacle carrer institute.The video is charismatic and i believe that they would have gained popularity.On taking a quick glance at the comments I choked laughing.The issue was all about the girls excessive nodding and the whole video setup.(you know where to find the comments)
Whatever is the case I respect jays interests.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

How to get that flat stomach look ??

By exercising your Transversus Abdominus Muscle.
This is the muscle in your abdomen that holds your stomach in giving you the flat belly look. This muscle acts like a corset around your tummy by holding your tummy in and if the muscle is weak, your belly will be distended more easily making your tummy looking much bigger than it should just like having a beer belly. This is one of the reasons why people have pot belly besides simply blaming it on tummy fat. This is the muscle that can help you get that flat stomach look. If you want to get that flat stomach look, you must strengthen this muscle.
Just to have a feel of how this muscle work, try blowing out all the air in your lungs and pull your tummy in. There, you have just used your transversus abdominus muscle to execute that movement.
Start the exercise by exhaling all the air from your lungs hard. At the same time, pull in your tummy as tight as you can and at the same time visualizing your belly button is about to touch your spine. Do breathe lightly in that position and hold the posture for about 45 seconds. Then repeat the exercise for a few more sets. You will then be teaching your abs muscle to continuously hold your tummy in giving you flat stomach look.
The beauty of this exercise is that you carry it out everywhere and anywhere without ever going to the gym. It is so discreet that people will not even notice you exercising even when you are waiting for the office lift or at your desk at work.
A more effective version of this exercise would require you to be on all fours in a crawling position. Then execute the exercise as described above except that this time, you are on your hands and feet. Do both exercises every other day and when combined with a fat loss routine of a proper diet, weight training and cardio exercises, you will get that flat stomach look in no time along with that glorious six pack abs.
I have come across many weight loss sites which repeatedly claim that their site is the best but i personaly recommend reading weight loss articles at

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Weight training The Abdominals

Read the primary "must know" information on abdomen worKouts and then proceed on.

Ab Exercises To Incorporate For Proper Ab Stimulation:

Weighted Crunches - Grab a dumbbell, either hold it in front of your face, or let it lie on your upper chest, under your chin, and perform regular crunches. You are now using your abs more to work against the leverage the dumbbell has created. Stick with a heavy enough weight where you can handle 10-15 reps, but no more. Remember, you need to create enough resistance where your abs are forced to work.

Cable Rope Crunches -
Grab the tricep rope, kneel on your knees, and bend downwards,forcefully contracting your abs on the way down. It's basically a crunch, only, you are on your knees. But the contraction is the same. Don't swing with the hips, you are not using the abs very much if you do. Just a slight, 30 degree contraction until you feel the abs contract, hold for a couple seconds, then back up.

Weighted Leg Raises -
Lie flat on your back, with your hands tucked under your butt. Wrap your feet around a small dumbbell, and perform leg raises. Start with your feet about 6 inches from the ground, then raise them about 12-16 inches from the ground and then back down slowly. These can be done on the end of a bench as well.

Seated Ab Machine -
Once again, do not swing all the way down, just far enough (30 degrees) to fully contract the abs, hold for a couple seconds, then back up. This is very similar to Cable rope crunches.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Abdomen & Nutrition

Do not sabotage your results in the gym by giving yourself a passport to pig out. Ridding the body of fat once and for all is accomplished by proper nutrition more so than incorporating cardio. At the end of the day, if you have consumed more calories than you have expended, you add body fat. So you need to burn more calories than you consume.
Nutrition is important because you can reduce the amount of calories you take in, therefore greatly having an effect on the amount which you have to expend through cardio. Eat five to six small, well-balanced meals spaced apart about every three to four hours. Try to keep something healthy on hand. If not, when you become real hungry, you will opt for something that isn't as good for you. When you become overly hungry, all rational thinking goes out the window. But it is important to get something in you. Not eating on time or at all is almost as bad as eating too much. Keep protein intake high (approximately 50% of daily calories), carbs moderate (40%), and fats minimal (10%).
Muscle fiber is made of tightly-wound protein molecules that is damaged during a workout, so you need more protein than the sedentary person to help that muscle tissue repair. Carbohydrates have an important role in the body, but do not base your meals on them. Try to avoid simple sugars like honey, fruit juices, syrups, and even a lot of fruit.
Drink at least a gallon of clean water each day as well. It will help in nutrient absorptionand digestion and will help flush toxins from the body.
Bottom line, make sure you are supplying your body with well-balanced, healthy food every three to four hours.

Killer Abs

Whether you are after the elusive 6-pack, or just looking to lose a bit of extra luggage you're carrying around the mid-section, there are 3 main areas(which are
cardiovascular workout, nutrition and weight training) you need to focus on to achieve maximum abdominal development. Strong abs not only help strengthen your lower back, but also improve upon your posture. Most lower back injuries occur, believe it or not, due to weak abs. Focus on these three areas and over time, you will see improved results.

Abdomen & Proper Cardiovascular Workout

You can have the greatest, most muscular set of abs in the world, but if they are blanketed by a layer of body fat, who cares. In order to rid yourself of the extra body fat around your midsection, you need to incorporate effective cardio sessions into your fitness plan. You cannot spot-reduce the midsection by doing extra ab exercises like crunches or sit-ups. You first must burn off the body fat through proper cardio to properly define the area.

Abdominal training by itself will not do much. Cardio needs to be intense enough to do the trick. Three to four sessions a week of intense jogging, running, the Stairmaster, the elliptical, jumping rope, or biking should be enough to get the process in gear. Swimming, hiking, and taking aerobics classes are beneficial as well. Nothing beats jogging or running. It is the most intense, efficient, and effective method of burning calories. If running outside hurts your joints, try running inside on a treadmill or outside on a dirt path. It definitely is easier on the body.

Again, you NEED three to four intense cardio sessions a week to help create a calorie deficit and help rid the body of the fat that covers your abs.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Jay Cutler Vs Ronnie Coleman

Many of you would have already seen this video of Mr.Olympia 2006 but i just wanted to make a note of my appreciation to ronnie. Jay has made a lot of improvements over the years especially his back.I think he still has a shallow lower back and overall back mass still lags behind Ronnie.

From the video here I vote Ronnie the winner. I think the masses have been calling for change for so long that the judges may be trying to send a message of mass is what you need to win the Mr.O but be careful how much mass you bring. Plus it diminishes the cries of once you're Mr.O no one else should show up until you retire.

Ronnie Coleman's Bicep Training

I came across an article which is on ronnie colemans Bicep Training dating back to October 1995.His way of pursuasiveness warns his readers to stop off with barbell curl,but then you ask any trainer for a bicep routine and he would come up with barbell curl as his suggestion without much thought.(This is where the real controversy comes about).Ronnie then speaks highly on cable curls which is one of my favourites too.I strongly believe that to build big bicep it all lies with the person or his trainers experimentation.This article written by ronnie for flex magazine is a must read for bodybuilders.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Preacher Curl with Barbell Workout for Biceps

The Preacher Curl with Barbell workout helps you target the biceps. This high intensity big bicep workout will help you to develop massive biceps.

This exercise will help you focus your bicep workout. It forces you to limit your range of motion to just the limit you need to work the bicep muscle. It also prevents you from swinging your arms as you do when you do cheater curls.

The preacher bench helps isolate the biceps by locking the elbow into place. You can switch up the exercise by replacing the barbell with dumbbells. Whenever you see people with large biceps, you can bet they include the preacher curl in their workout. As i have already posted an workout plan for biceps,..refer. Breathe out when lifting the weights toward your body and breathe in when the weight is going down. The downward swing of the weight should be slow and controlled. You build larger bicep muscles on the downward swing.
Biceps - Preacher Curl
Sit on weight bench with Preacher Curl attachment
Hold barbell in your hands with your palms facing up.
Place elbows on the preacher curl pad
Extend arms
Curl the arm toward your body, keeping your elbows on the pad
Hold one secondExtend arms to starting positionRepeat 6 to 12 times.
For conditioning and good health do 2 sets
BodyBuilders do 3 to 5 sets