Friday, February 02, 2007

Vegetarian Bodybuilding

You will hear it often, a vegetarian bodybuilder cannot be a successful bodybuilder! rubbish, there's plenty of people who have built a great physique while being on a vegetarian diet, it just takes more planning, especially where protein quality is concerned.
There are plenty of benefits for a vegetarian bodybuilder,there are different types of vegetarian too, vegans who are strict vegetarians, lacto-ovo vegetarians who will drink milk and eat eggs, both of which come from meat producing animals and pesco vegetarians who eat fish and dairy products.

The main question for vegetarian body builders is how to get enough protein, Soy has high levels of glutamine. A lacto-ovo vegetarian body builder, can get protein from cheese, milk, eggs and whey protein which comes from milk, will fit your diet, if you are following a pesco-vegetarian diet, eating fish is a very good way to get your protein.

You have to always remember, vegetable proteins are of a lower quality than animal proteins you should learn how to combine different protein sources so your intake is substantial for the exercise regime you are undertaking.Vegetarian and vegan bodybuilders can also make use of beans, hummus, soya, coconut, oat milk and rice milk all of which have a very good amount of carbohydrate which helps in gaining weight and arealso low in fat, a true vegan should try to include seaweed or VitaminB12 as a supplement, if you don't eat meat you will be lacking in the B12 vitamin.

As your intake of proteins and carbohydrates will be high you must always remember to drink plenty of water, this helps move the essential substances of your diet to where your body will need them, your body also stores these essentials for use later during your exercise and after in the recovery period.

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