Friday, May 26, 2006

Ab Workouts

Training of the abdominal muscles has recently been the subject of more misinformation and mythology than any other part of the human anatomy. Gizmos and gadgets abound that are alleged to give you those coveted "six pack" abs. But here's how you can rationally train your abs to their absolute maximum limits of development using everyday gym equipment.

What Builds Abdominal Muscles
There is nothing unique about abdominal muscle as far as their training and response to training is concerned. The principles that apply to biceps and triceps apply equally to abs. So the three critical elements of your ab workouts are: high intensity of muscular overload progressive intensity from workout to workout proper spacing of workouts to avoid overtraining or undertraining

Most people do sit-ups or crunches as an ab exercise. While these are basically good exercises that can satisfy point 1, above, how many people use them in a way that satisfies point 2?

Muscles will only develop in response to overload that is above normal. So if you do 20 crunches every day for a year, why would your ab muscles develop beyond that capacity? They won't. To force new development you need to increase the intensity. You could add a few crunches every day but that really just increases duration, there is a better way to get fast results.

Why TV Abdominal Machines Are a Joke

You've seen all those exercise gadgets on late night TV - lightweight gizmos that make it easier for you to rock back and forth on the ground while doing a crunch. Have you noticed that none of them allow you to add serious weight to increase intensity? Some have rubber bands or similar devices to add a bit of overload but it's a trivial amount.

I have seen people who have progressed to the point of doing crunches with 200 pounds! That's the kind of power and level of development your abs are capable of. Really! So fiddling around cheap equipment or those belts that "stimulate" your ab muscles using the minuscule power of two flashlight batteries is beyond laughable. Let's see two flashlight batteries generate the power to lift a man's torso and 300 pounds 20 times in one minute.

The Best Ab Exercises
I have tested common abdominal exercises and ranked them by their ability to deliver high intensity muscular overload. We tested ab machines, vertical leg raises, Roman chairs and others.

The winners were:
Weighted crunches
Weighted incline sit-ups
Weight sit-ups

The best way to do weighted crunches is to lie on the floor with your head close to the low pulley weight stack. Using the rope handle attachment, grasp the ends and pull the cable until it is tight and your hands are resting at the side of your head near your ears. Now contract your ab muscles in a crunch that lifts your shoulders off the floor and draws the weight stack up an inch or two. Chose a weight that is so heavy you can only to 8 to 12 reps.
If you don't have access to a low pulley, there is a good alternative. You can use the high pulley that is normally used for lat pulldowns. Kneel on the floor or sit in the seat directly under the rope handles that you attach to the high pulley. Lock your legs under the hold down. Pull the handles into position next to your ears then contract your ab muscles into a crunch that raises the weight stack an inch or two. Chose a weight that is so heavy you can only to 8 to 12 reps.
As a further alternative you can lie on the floor and do a sit up or crunch while holding a barbell plate against your chest. The limitation of this exercise it that, as you progress in strength it will not be possible to hold enough plates on your chest safely. But that's a good problem to have.
On each successive workout, shoot for a 5-15% increase in the weight you use. If you can't get a 5% increase it's time to add more days off between your workouts.


There is no mystery to developing your abdominal muscles to the limits of their genetic potential. And you certainly don't need quirky gadgets. High intensity exercises that can be progressed from workout to workout will have you sporting that six pack.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Some people like to run while others like to walk. And often, those that run may soon find a better excuse to walk. Running or jogging is a great way to burn calories (approximately 100 calories for every mile ran), really works the cardio system, tones and shapes the legs and if your run uphill, attack those glutes too. Not everyone is built to run pretty or pain free. Improper body mechanics, whether by lack of knowledge or due to bone and joint structure can lead to injury, pain, and discomfort?
But if you approach running or jogging like any new sport it can be a wonderful addition to your arsenal of aerobic exercises. Now what do I mean by the approach? Simple - prepare, start out slow and steady, always ease into something new, don't be afraid to take a break and walk, stretch, and get plenty of rest before hitting the road or track again.

Program - 10 Laps -

What You Need:
A stop watch or watch with timer on it. A track to run on.
Knowledge Point:
On a typical "standard" track, 1 lap = ¼ of a mile. Hence 4 times around the track = 1 mile.

Before Running Or Jogging:
Make sure you stretch. Have a comprehensive arsenal of stretching exercises to use. Most important stretches would be for your lower back, shoulders, groin, hams, quads, and calves. Try to run in a decent pair of sneakers which are designed for running. Make sure your health is in good order.

Laps 1 & 2 (warm-up) Clockwise Direction:
Walk, don't run... 1st lap is intended to get your joints lubricated and muscles warmed up. On the 2nd lap try walking a little bit faster.

Laps 3 & 4 Counter Clockwise Direction:
Break into a slow jog. Complete both laps at a comfortable pace.
Crunches:Wait a second who said anything about ab work? Mine as well - while we are here! Perform 1-20 crunches (depending upon your ability)

Laps 5 & 6 (straight-a-ways & curves) Clockwise Direction:
On the straight-a-ways you will run as fast as you can without sacrificing form. Slow down around the curves (resume your slow jog or walk if you feel like you need the rest).
North, East, South, and West:Stand in the middle of the track (small deep purple circle in center of purple oval) run to the North edge of the track and run back to the center (small deep purple circle) and perform 1- 20 crunches. With little to no rest run to East side of the track, run back to the center and perform 1 - 20 jumping jacks.
With little to no rest run to the South side of the track, run back and perform 1 - 20 crunches. With little to no rest run to the West side of the track, run back and perform 1 - 20 jumping jacks.
Note: You can add any type of exercise to be performed in the center circle. For example: push-ups, bends and thrusts, running in place for 30 seconds, etc.

Laps 7 & 8 Counter Clockwise Direction:
These are walking or light jogging laps. You can switch things up, like walking straight a ways and running curves, or walking lap 7 and jogging lap 8. It's entirely up to you and may vary on your energy levels for that day.

Laps 9 & 10 (timed laps) Counter Clockwise Direction:
Here in lies the test and success part of the program. Both these laps should be run at a pace that is comfortable but with some speed. The goal is to get around the track as quickly as possible. At the conclusion of lap #9 check your watch/timer and make a mental note of the time. Keep running and do not turn off or reset the watch or timer. Lap #10 should be run as quickly as possible as well. At the conclusion of lap #10 stop the timer/watch. Write down this time and the time for lap #9. Now you have lap times that you can try to better the when you run this program again. Part of a successful fitness program is keeping a journal or marking down accomplishments.
Let's say that it took you 2 ½ minutes to complete lap #9 and a total time of 6 minutes to complete both lap #9 and #10 (average of 12 minutes per/mile). If you can better these times the next time out then you can see and prove accomplishment.
Always remember that fitness should be fun. When the weather is in your favor, take advantage of it. These types of running/jogging programs can also be performed with a partner - great for motivation.
Note: You can add any type of exercise to be performed in the center circle. For example: push-ups, bends and thrusts, running in place for 30 seconds, etc.Laps 7 & 8 Counter Clockwise Direction: These are walking or light jogging laps. You can switch things up, like walking straight a ways and running curves, or walking lap 7 and jogging lap 8. It's entirely up to you and may vary on your energy levels for that day.

Laps 9 & 10 (timed laps) Counter Clockwise Direction:
Here in lies the test and success part of the program. Both these laps should be run at a pace that is comfortable but with some speed. The goal is to get around the track as quickly as possible. At the conclusion of lap #9 check your watch/timer and make a mental note of the time. Keep running and do not turn off or reset the watch or timer. Lap #10 should be run as quickly as possible as well. At the conclusion of lap #10 stop the timer/watch. Write down this time and the time for lap #9. Now you have lap times that you can try to better the when you run this program again. Part of a successful fitness program is keeping a journal or marking down accomplishments.
Let's say that it took you 2 ½ minutes to complete lap #9 and a total time of 6 minutes to complete both lap #9 and #10 (average of 12 minutes per/mile). If you can better these times the next time out then you can see and prove accomplishment.
Always remember that fitness should be fun. When the weather is in your favor, take advantage of it. These types of running/jogging programs can also be performed with a partner - great for motivation.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Every model you see on TV has it: the 6 perfect ripples on the stomach and all the girls just melt at the sight. Now you’ve decided you want to be that guy that just drives the women wild. You’re going to do whatever it takes to get a six pack!

Conventional knowledge leads us to believe that the way to get a six pack is to sit-ups, and lots of them. The truth, however, is that you may develop very strong upper abs, but they may never show. The abs are muscles that hide behind a layer of fat. In order to see them, you must first work on removing the fat that hides these muscles. The proper way to do this is with cardio exercise like jogging, running, riding a bike or using the stair-stepper!

Try jogging at a constant rate for 15 minutes a day for a week. Increase the time by 5 minutes every week. If you think you can go longer or harder, do it. Be sure to avoid eating fattening foods, drinking soda and consuming too much sugar as it will only mask your hard work.
After you’re in a cardio routine, you can begin with the sit-ups or crunches. Get in a routine of doing sit-ups as soon as you wake up and right before you go to bed. Start with, for example, 50 each morning and night, and increase that number every week as well. If your muscles are sore, that’s great; you’re doing your job. The abs and the calf muscles are the only muscles in the body that can be worked day in and day out without worry of damage and need for rest.

Stick with the routine and you will see results in 1 or 2 months. Coupled with a strict diet, you can build your six-pack just in time for summer! If you wish to build more muscle and have a professional workout plan tailored to your needs, visit your local gym and enlist the services of a personal trainer. A membership to a gym is also a great start to losing weight and gaining muscle.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Body types insight

Ectomorphs should concentrate on gaining weight in the form of good lean muscle tissue. Weight training should be done but not too often or for too long each session. Weight should be fairly heavy and workout pace slower (longer rest periods between sets). Diet should be high in calories (good quality food not junk) and you should eat more then you're used to and often. Aerobic and other activities (sports, dancing, etc.) should be kept to a minimum, at least until you are happy with your weight and looks.

A Mesomorph has a naturally fit body but to maintain it or improve it they should exercise and diet corretly for their type. Strength training can be done more often and for longer sessions then would be good for an Ectomorph, but you must still be carefull not to overdo it. You should train with moderate to heavy weighs and at a moderate pace, not resting too long between sets. You will find you gain muscle quite easy (some women and even men might not want to get too bulky, but this won't happen suddenly. When you are happy with your muscle size simply train to maintain it). Stick to a good healthy diet to keep you lean and muscular, andwatch for any slow creeping fat gains. Engage in and enjoy aerobic activities, sports, etc. but do not overdo.

An Endomorph's biggest concern should be the losing of fat and adopting a lifestyle that keeps it off. Strength training should be done to get a better muscle to fat ratio and therefore improve metabolism. Use moderate weights at a fast training pace (very little rest between sets and exercises). You should lower your calorie intake (but not try to starve yourself) and should eat frequent but small meals. Sugars, sweets and junk food should be eliminated from your diet.
Engage daily in some activity like brisk walking, biking, etc., and try to increase the amount of time you spend each week.

When you know which type you are (or which mixture) and diet and exercise correctly for that type, you will make much better progress. Your goal should be to look as close as possible to (or stay looking like) a mesomorph. With the correct exercise and diet this can be attainable, and while you may be a bit upset that you have to work hard to look good while the true mesomorph looks that way naturally, at least you will still be fit and look good. And even the mesomorph will find as he/she gets older that some exercise and diet is needed if they want to continue to look good and be fit.

What is your Body Type


thin flat chest

delicate build

young appearance


lightly muscled stoop-shouldered

large brain

Has trouble gaining weight.

muscle growth takes longer.


hard,muscular body

overly mature appearance

rectangular shaped

thick skin

upright posture gains or loses weight easily

grows muscle quickly.

soft body

flabby underdeveloped muscles

round shaped

over-developed digestive system

trouble losing weight

generally gains muscle easily.

What is your body type then??

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Bodybuilding and Fitness secrets

If you’re a bodybuilder, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to get big; that’s part of what bodybuilding is about. But never go after size at the expense of symmetry. Remember, there’s a difference between being big and looking big.
All beginning bodybuilders, I find, are too interested in the scale and the tape as yardsticks of progress. They seem to think if they weigh or measure a certain amount, that this automatically produces a perfect build. Nothing could be further from the truth. What they don’t seem to remember is that they do not weigh or measure you on the physique stage; they determine the best build by shape, size, and symmetry.You might be thinking, “Well, I’m not a bodybuilder and you wouldn’t catch me dead onstage in one of those teeny “Speedo” bikinis, so why should I care about being symmetrical?” Here’s why: Bodybuilder or not, a physique with “classical” symmetry is beautiful by anyone’s standards (including the opposite sex). If you’re male and you only work on the “T-shirt muscles” (big arms and chest), you might look good in the gym in your T-shirt, but hit the beach in a pair of shorts and everyone will see the full, unsymmetrical picture. If you’re female and all you work on is your butt, hips and thighs, then when YOU hit the beach in a swimsuit or put on a sleeveless and or low cut dress, your lack of shoulder width and a svelte V-tapered, small-waisted torso will be right there for all eyes to see (not to mention the “grandmother arms” tricep flab that flaps in the breeze).
Work on symmetry and balanced develoment of all body parts, whether you’re male, female, young, old, bodybuilder, non-bodybuilder or anything in between.
One last word of caution:
Anabolic drugs are more likely to ruin your symmetry than improve it. Many pro bodybuilders today are massive but look terrible. For those who don’t consciously focus on improving symmetry, the drug use simply blows them further and further out of proportion. No matter how big they get, they don’t look any better. Strive for “mass with class” not just mass. Apply the tips you’ve read, and you’ll be surprised and extremely pleased with how radically you change your body shape. And just think of how much fun it will be when people start comparing your body to a Greek sculpture!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

How To Develop A Classical Body Shape

How does a man five feet six inches in height appear six feet tall standing alone at a distance?
How does he look like he weighs 215 muscular pounds when he barely tips the scale at 176 pounds?
Why does his waist look 28 inches, when its actual measurement is 32 inches?
How does he step onstage at a bodybuilding competition and blow away competitors who outweigh him by 20, 30 even 50 pounds or more?
Why does this man’s body look like a beautiful piece of classical sculpture, while much larger men look misshapen and blocky?
The answer — in a word — is symmetry.
The late Vince Gironda, trainer of champion bodybuilders and movie stars, was the true pioneer and master at the art of creating symmetry. He called it “cosmetic bodybuilding” or “creating an illusion.” Vince believed that adding muscle mass did not always improve the physique. “Size without shape is grotesque and the overall appearance is positively revolting.” However, when new muscle is added in a manner that enhances your symmetry, the result can take your breath away.

What is symmetry?
Symmetry refers to the qualities of balance, proportion, shape and classical aesthetics. It was first described by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who explained it in terms of mathematical relationships (which were also used to construct Greek temples). Leonardo DaVinci later expanded on and explained these concepts by way of his “Canon of Proportions” (also known as the “Vitruvian Man”). This illustration depicted a man standing with his arms outstretched within a circle and a square.
The perfectly symmetrical physique is often described as the “X” shape. The top of the X represents broad shoulders,
the “V” in the top half of the X represents a wide upper back, narrowing into a small waist with small hips; and the bottom half of the X represents long legs with a flowing outer quad sweep, full calves and upper thigh muscles that
seem to connect directly into the waist.

Genetics and symmetryMany people suggest that you must be born with a genetic gift in order to attain such a physique, and there’s a lot of truth in that statement. Three time Mr. Olympia Frank Zane was once asked, “You are particularly famous for your
body symmetry. Is there a special way that you train which gives you such great proportions?” Frank replied, “Blame it all on my parents. I guess I was just fortunate to have inherited good bone structure in the first instance.”
If you didn’t “choose” the right parents, what then? Don’t worry. There are specific qualities that create “the illusion” which are obtainable by all. Although not everyone is capable of developing the symmetry of Reeves, Zane or Labrada, every person can improve their muscle shape and symmetry above and beyond where it is today.
Some of the left-brained scientific types throw a tantrum the minute a bodybuilder mentions “muscle shaping.” It may be true that you can’t change your bone structure, muscle insertions or other genetic factors, but you can certainly change your overall body shape and improve your symmetry if you know how. In fact, that IS the very essence of what
bodybuilding should be.
Let’s now take a look at some of the specific strategies that can literally sculpt your body into a work of art. Balanced developmentAlmost everyone has a favorite body part or a body part that grows very easily. But favoritism in physique development can quickly destroy your shape. Frank Zane said, “The whole point is not to fall in love with one particular body part and throw everything else out.”
Many people believe that symmetry is the perfectly balanced development of every muscle in the body, but that’s only one aspect of symmetry. Having a huge upper body with toothpick legs makes you unsymmetrical, but there’s more to it than that.
Symmetry doesn’t always mean adding muscle evenly everywhere. Sometimes it means developing certain muscle groups to their absolute maximum, while minimizing others.
Low Body fatOne characteristic that will destroy anyone’s symmetry is excess body fat. It doesn’t matter how shapely your muscles
are if they’re covered with a layer of squishy lard. Body fat adds width and circumference in the hips and waistline, which is one of the quickest ways to destroy your symmetry. Even if you’re not one of the “genetically blessed” with
favorable bone structure and muscle insertions, reducing your waist size by losing body fat is a guaranteed way to improve your symmetry.
Tiny waist
The smaller your waist, the more of an “illusion” of symmetry you create. This is achieved mostly by fat reduction through nutrition and cardio. However, certain exercises can broaden the waist. Anything that builds the lateral obliques like dumbbell side bends, should be avoided. Certain athletes may use side bends for sports training purposes, but if symmetry is your goal, stay away from them.
Heavy squats can increase your hip and waist size too. This is especially true when performing the squat powerlifting style. If you are naturally thick waisted and wide in the hips with large glutes, avoid the back squat if you want to
improve your symmetry.

Broad shoulders
Broadening your shoulders creates the optical illusion of a smaller waist, even if your waist size doesn’t change. To see just how much of a difference this makes, take a sock or a ball of tissue, and stuff it inside your shirt on each side of your shoulders. Then look in the mirror. Even a small increase in width completely transforms your appearance. The portion of the shoulders you want to emphasize the most for symmetry is the lateral head of the deltoid. Most people overwork their front deltoids. They emphasize too many shoulder presses, front raises, and bench presses and not enough lateral raises.
I have never seen an exercise performed improperly more often than lateral raises. The most common error is to let the thumbs come up high and the elbows fall too low. The proper way to do lateral raises is to lead with the elbows and
keep the palms facing down. To activate the side deltoid even more, you can use the “pour the water” technique, where you internally rotate your arm so your little finger is slightly higher than your thumb. Larry Scott, the first Mr. Olympia, used this technique to help him build some of the greatest shoulders ever, even though he wasn’t genetically gifted in the broad clavicles department.

About me

This is viswesh and iam quite well versed with the training procedures involved in fitness. When i started my workouts (dreaming of those giant muscles), everything went well for 3 days.. and after that my whole body started to ache. But i kept my hopes high, the training went on and on for 6 years. I did not stick to body building alone, there was hard core soccer,cricket,volley ball,squash,field events (100m,200m,hurldles etc), pole vault and it goes on.. My body did not remain in a built state at all, because it was strained and flexed to every sport. Thus experimenting with my body has become a passion. Now currently iam proud to have won 3 trophies for featuring the best physique. I have discovered many secrets underlying each fitness programme. The best way to get a proper figure is just sheer hardwork.

Always remember

"Once a person breaks the emotional shackles that hold his/her back, the road to personal freedom is only a short step ahead".

When i look at skinny structures, fat ones or even shaterred figures of gods creation, i would simply be asking myself "why dont these people understandthier body mechanism" anyway thier tight schedule, ignorance etc add up to it. This ignited the thought in me to put up a blog which gives out every detail in the field of fitness. Confidence is one major factor here, for ex.,i know many who buy a treadmill and work on it only for a week or so and then its the end. They think to themselves that its impossible,and with thier kind of daily routines its not possible to maintain thier figure. My only question is "Is not the body of your's YOUR'S".Its very easy and simple in taking care of your fitness. The links provided here might be usefull to many of you out there in search of information. I intend to deliver information and training strategies to people who are into this fitness arsenal.
contact me: