Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bodybuilding Diet Plans For Male Beginners

For those just starting out doing bodybuilding workouts, it may seem tempting to start a hard core diet just like what you would see a bodybuilder on TV eat, complete with raw eggs or nutritional supplements. However, in the beginning, it is best to stick to a simple, healthy diet which is high in carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, while low in processed foods.Some foods you might eat include eggs, lean meats, skim milk, and other lean sources of protein such as soy or fish. For more protein, you might add protein powder to a shake, but this is not necessary for a beginner.
For carbohydrates, eat fruits, vegetables, multigrain bread, and pasta. Avoid taking in too much fat, but you will still want some. If you are working out, you use up a lot of energy, and fat contains a lot of energy to feed the growing muscles. The fats in foods will also make them taste better. Peanuts and olive oils are good examples of healthy fats that you can take. These healthy fats are good for the heart, too, if taken in moderation. It is best to eat a variety of foods with each meal. Having a good diet means avoiding processed foods such as white bread, potato chips, peanut butter (except all natural peanut butter) and canned soups. Also, avoid too much fried foods.

The best way to ensure that you are efficiently using all the energy possible from the food is to eat multiple equal sized meals throughout the day. Many people tend to eat small meals for breakfast and lunch, and a large dinner. However, it is better to eat a large breakfast, and an average meal enough to fill you three more times per day making a total of four meals. Remember that it can take up to 20 minutes for your brain to realize that you are full, so eat slowly. As you increase your workout, you can slowly increase the amount of your protein intake, in order to allow more muscles to build. However, you do not need an excessive amount of protein to build muscle; your body will naturally build the muscle. In any exercise program, a lot of water must be consumed. Bodybuilders should drink about a gallon of water each day. For beginners, just start with the amount you normally drink and increase as you increase your workouts. Be sure to drink throughout the day. Avoid fruit juices which are not freshly squeezed, as they are generally very high in sugar. Just as you will have lapses in your exercise routine, you will probably have the occasional lapse in your diet. If you do, enjoy that meal or snack, and then try again for the next meal.

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